The interviews yielded valuable insights for refining the app to better meet the genuine needs and expectations of potential users.
Making an emergency call to a doctor is essential for urgent health concerns. Users needed an option to quickly connect with a doctor.
Simplified prescription management
Managing prescriptions was a hassle for users. They needed a straightforward way to receive and access prescriptions digitally.
Real-time video consultations for better care
Users wanted a face-to-face experience with doctors without visiting a clinic. Connecting with doctors in real-time was a priority.
Comprehensive search for specialists
Users needed an advanced search feature to filter doctors by specialization and availability.
Health data shared across all doctors
Users expressed concerns over how their health data would be shared and who would have access to it.
Doctors to be available at any time without restrictions
Users recognized that doctors have working hours, and many preferred having realistic availability expectations.
Clear follow-up system for ongoing care
Patients often missed follow-up appointments. They needed reminders and an easy way to rebook consultations for ongoing care.
Emergency calls for immediate assistance